科研项目: 1. “基于纳米颗粒薄膜隧穿电-磁-介电效应的观测”,日本学术振兴会重点科学基金(挑战的研究(萌芽),资助率11%),637万日元,2021/7-2023/3,主持。 2. “梯度纳米颗粒结构的宽频带/高频化的隧穿磁介电特性研究”,日本学术振兴会青年科学基金(若手研究),429万日元,2019/4-2021/3,主持。 3. “Co-氮化物多层膜的制备及高频软磁性能”,日本学术振兴会–特别研究员基金(JSPS),170万日元,2015/4-2017/3,主持。 4. “电致伸缩实现高性能隧穿磁介电响应”,日本东北大学联合基金 50万日元,2022/6-2023/3,主持。 5. “隧穿磁-介电效应的理论探究和实验验证”,日本东北大学–新领域创成研究, 500万日元,2022/4-2023/1,主持。 6. “梯度纳米颗粒功能材料的宽带磁电特性及生物传感器件的开发”,日本东北大学创新基金,250万日元,2021/4-2022/3,主持。 7. “功能梯度材料的磁电特性及器件拓展”,日本东北大学创新基金,250万日元,2020/4-2021/3,主持。 8. “纳米颗粒薄膜电致可调介电特性的研究”,日本东北大学创新基金,250万日元,2019/4-2020/3,主持。 9. “外力刺激调控磁性金属-介电纳米复合薄膜新材料的研究”,日本科学技术振兴会基础科学研究项目,1700万日元,2023/4-2026/3,参与。 10. “客体响应型磁性金属有机框架薄膜的开发”,日本东北大学交叉科学基金,2022/6-2024/3,200万日元,参与。 11. “口腔和肠内细菌的传感器件及快速简易评价装置的开发” ,日本东北大学交叉科学研究项目,900万日元,2019/4-2022/3,参与。 12. “纳米复合薄膜的隧穿磁介电效应新型器件的开发”,日本科学技术振兴会基础科学研究项目,1535万日元,2020/4-2023/3,参与。 13. “磁性金属-介电基体纳米复合薄膜的制备及新材料物性的开发”,日本科学技术振兴会基础科学研究项目,1768万日元, 2017/4-2020/3,参与。 14. “磁性金属-结晶介电基纳米复合薄膜制备及复合功能性开发”,日本科学技术振兴会基础科学研究项目,1638万日元,2014/4-2017/3,参与。 代表性成果: 1. Yang Cao, Nobukiyo Kobayashi*, Cheng Wang, Saburo Takahashi, Sadamichi Maekawa, Hiroshi Masumoto*, Novel dielectric nanogranular materials with an electrically tunable frequency response, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2023, 9 (6): 2201218. (Front Cover) 2. Yang Cao*, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Masumoto, Tunnel magnetodielectric effect: Theory and experiment, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120, (8) 082901. 3. Yang Cao*, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Shigehiro Ohnuma, Hiroshi Masumoto. Composition-graded multilayer nanogranular films enabling broadband tunneling magneto-dielectric effect: Role of the granular distribution, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 118 (3): 032901. 4. Yang Cao*, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Shigehiro Ohnuma, Hiroshi Masumoto. Large tunneling magneto-dielectric enhancement in Co(Fe)−MgF2 granular films by minor addition of Si, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117 (7): 072904. 5. Yang Cao*, Kenta Nogawa, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Masumoto. Fabrication of transition metal (TM = Fe, Co) difluorides–carbon nanocomposite films by magnetron co-sputtered deposition of Fe/Co and Teflon targets, Applied Physics Express, 2021, 14(7): 075502. 6. Yang Cao*, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Shigehiro Ohnuma, and Hiroshi Masumoto. Tailored tunneling magneto-dielectric effects in Co–MgF2 granular nanostructures by in-situ insertion of thin MgF2 layers, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113 (2): 022906. 7. Yang Cao*, Akira Umetsu, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Shigehiro Ohnuma, and Hiroshi Masumoto. Tunable frequency response of tunnel-type magneto-dielectric effect in Co−MgF2 granular films with different content of Co, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111 (12): 122901. 8. Yang Cao, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Yiwen Zhang*, Shigehiro Ohnuma, and Hiroshi Masumoto. Enhancement of low-field magneto-dielectric response in two-dimensional Co/AlF granular films, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110 (7): 072902. 9. Yang Cao, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, Yiwen Zhang, Shigehiro Ohnuma, and Hiroshi Masumoto*. Enhanced spin-dependent charge transport of Co–(Al–fluoride) granular nanocomposite by co-separate sputtering, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122 (13): 133903. 10. Yang Cao*, Yiwen Zhang, Shigehiro Ohnuma, Nobukiyo Kobayashi, and Hiroshi Masumoto. Magnetic properties and thermal stability of Co/HfN multilayer films for high-frequency application”, AIP Advances, 2017, 7 (6): 065202.